Thursday, 23 September 2010

A most unusual phone app. - GI Monitor TESTERS WANTED!

Click this link for the demo: 
Have you been asked to monitor your GI symptoms or are you trying to track them against the different variables in your life? If so you know what a complete pain it is to remember and to do. You might like to try out GI Monitor  demo'd in the video above and here's also a link to the site where you can download the monitor app.  for free for use on Iphone and Blackberry.   I'm not sure about PC's and Ipads. PLEASE share your experience for the benefit of other Crohnies and Collies and for GI professionals - tell us what you think - especially how convenient you find it and any suggestions you may have for enhancements etc. - fill in the comments box below.

Cheers - Joy

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