Saturday, 2 June 2012

Fascinating Bowel Transplant Interview

This is a very frank interview with Michael Seres; a courageous Crohn's Disease patient and a remarkable man. He underwent a bowel transplant after Crohn's Disease had required 20 resections leaving him with very little bowel, compromised nutrition and TPN (Total Parenteral Nutrition - which means being fed through a line into a vein).

This video is an overview of his journey from his first symptoms at the age of 10 to his post-transplant return to eating thirty years later. The interviews that we anticipate will follow this one will cover his expected ileostomy reversal and also the mental and emotional aspects of the transplant, including the mind-body effects that are my area of specialisation and research.
To find out more about The BUDI system for mind-body interaction for the relief of autoimmune symptoms see and and you can see Michael's blog at

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