Tuesday, 1 June 2010

Crohnies and Collies Grand Day Out......... News!!

Hi Guys, I can't wait to share this with you.....I opened my laptop this morning to great news!! One of the high profile guests I invited to speak at the GDO event has accepted. I sent out the first three invitations only yesterday - so it was thrilling to open my inbox this morning to find such a lovely surprise!!
Here is an excerpt,

"Hi Joy,

Thank you for reaching out. I'd love to be a part of this day and the event you are putting together....."

His identity will remain secret just yet. However I can tell you that he is an athlete, a master of this great new amazing sport and he lives in the USA. Believe me, to see him perform is like watching poetry in motion. We'll see a video of him in action and he's going to be speaking to you, live from USA at the Grand Day Out - London, UK Summer 2010 about how he overcame his crippling IBD to rise to the top of his sport.
He is actually known as "Mister (this sport)" so you can imagine his level of accomplishment!! If you're in the audience you even get the chance to put a question to him about overcoming his IBD or his sporting achievements. You'll love him!
Follow this blog (click the FOLLOW box to the right hand side of this text) so you get alerted when an update is posted re dates, location, guests and events !! And if you're in the USA or Canada, following this blog will tell you how to access the live Webinar of the event.
I'll let you know as I get replies from the other guests and send out more invitations!
Can't wait!

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